

Scientific grade Sony CCD sensors with USB3. EXview HAD CCD II delivering up to 12 Mpix. Full high speed potential with 4 TAP readout. Passive cooling ensure long exposure times

What is xiD? Scientific grade Sony CCD based cameras

  • Scientific grade Sony CCD sensors delivering from 2.8 to 12 Mpix
  • High sensitivity "EXview HAD CCD II" pixel technology
  • Fastest - highest camera speeds using full 4 TAP readout potential
  • Versatile mini camera - subtle 60 x 60 x 37 mm, 320 grams
  • Low power consumption with 3 Watt, bus powered by USB3 cable
  • Cool - minimal heat dissipation with passive Cooling elements
  • Industry standard - compliant with USB3 SuperSpeed specification
  • Support for Windows 7 and 10, macOS, Linux, ARM and 30 Libraries
  • Synchronization through opto-isolated input and output, 3 status LEDs
  • Software - GenICam / GenTL and optimized SDK for Image Processing
  • High grade class of sensors combined with specially selected IR filters
  • Improved light efficiency for NIR spectrum 
  • Long Exposure times - Up to 1500 seconds depending on the model

Models of Sony CCD cameras with USB3

Sensor model
Sensor type
Sensor resolution
Pixel size
Dynamic range
Frame rate
MD028CU-SY ICX674  Color  2.8 MPix 1936 x 1456  4.54 µm 14 bits 68.1 dB 56.9 FPS
MD028MU-SY ICX674  Monochrome  2.8 MPix 1936 x 1456  4.54 µm 14 bits 68.1 dB 56.9 FPS
MD061CU-SY ICX694  Color  6 MPix 2752 x 2202  4.54 µm 14 bits 67.4 dB 28.4 FPS
MD061MU-SY ICX694  Monochrome  6 MPix 2752 x 2202  4.54 µm 67.4 dB 28.4 FPS
MD091CU-SY ICX814  Color  9.1 MPix 3384 x 2708  3.69 µm 14 bits 64.5 dB 19.5 FPS
MD091MU-SY ICX814  Monochrome  9.1 MPix 3384 x 2708  3.69 µm 14 bits 64.5 dB 19.5 FPS
MD091CC-SY ICX814  Color  9.1 MPix 3384 x 2708  3.69 µm 14 bits 64.5 dB 19.5 FPS
MD120CU-SY ICX834  Color  12 MPix 4244 x 2832  3.1 µm 14 bits 61.7 dB 15.3 FPS
MD120MU-SY ICX834  Monochrome  12 MPix 4244 x 2832  3.1 µm 14 bits 61.7 dB 15.3 FPS
(1) Maximum frame rates measured at 52 MHz, 4 taps, RAW 14 bits; +20% in overclocked mode, 12bit packed
(2) Dynamic range value is measured at 26 MHz readout frequency
(3) All models are also adjustable for Board level version - special conditions may apply
(4) For Cooled models check the prepared xiJ line

xiD Advantages for Scientific and Machine Vision Applications

Sony sensors with EXview HAD CCD II deliver high resolution images
Full potential of USB3 - 4x times faster than GigE, 5x than Firewire and 10x USB 2.0
Utilization of full speed potential through 4tap (QuadTap) readout mode
Low readout noise, high Dynamic range 14 bits/pixel images in all modes
Improved light efficiency enhanced in the near-infrared quantum spectrum
Sturdy full metal jacket enclosure, no sheet metal covers
Passive cooling of CCD sensors enables extra long exposure times 
Binning and ROI modes, external triggering and flash light synchronization
Pure scientific grade USB3 camera, no power cables or frame grabbers

USB3 CCD camera utilization Fields and Applications

Quality inspection
Flat panel display (FPD), Printed circuit board (PCB), Semiconductor wafer, Optical character recognition and verification (OCR / OCV), Photovoltaics.
Medical imaging
Pharmaceutics and Healthcare, Dentistry, Dermatology, Ophthalmology and Retinal imaging, Histology, Pathology, Biomedicine, Intercellular Dynamics.
Life and material science
Astronomy and Astrography, Biometrics, Light Microscopy (IR-DIC), Low light, Laser beam profiling, Holography, Laser profiling, Cell biology, Fluorescence.