


Am Mittelhafen 16

48155 Münster

Sitz der Gesellschaft / Registered office: Münster
Handelsregister / Commercial register: HRB 12811, Amtsgericht Münster
Art der Gesellschaft / Company type: GmbH
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer / VAT-ID: DE273464637
Steuernummer / Tax number: 337/5952/0114
Geschäftsführer / Managing directors: Jürgen Hillmann, Michael Cmok, Denis Lehmann


Tel:  +49 (0) 251 202 408 0

Fax: +49 (0) 251 202 408 99



XIMEA s.r.o.

Lesna 52
90033 Marianka

Registracia spoločnosti / Company registration: OR Bratislava 1, 59388/B
Typ spoločnosti / Company type: Spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným, ZI spoločnosti  6 000,- eur, SP
ICO / Company ident number: 44803516
DIC / Tax number: 2022867605
IC DPH / VAT-ID: SK2022867605
Konatelia / Managing directors: Michail Klimkovic, Vjaceslav Klimkovic

Tel:  +421 (2) 205 104 26

Fax: +421 (2) 205 104 27




12600 W Colfax Ave., Suite A-130
Lakewood, CO 80215

Managing director: Kevin Toerne

Tel:  +1 (303) 389 983 8

Fax: +1 (303) 202 635 0


Legal disclaimer

The information presented on the XIMEA website shall not be relied on exclusively, as in certain situations it could be unprecise or insufficient.
This includes documents like manuals, brochures, white papers, guides, etc.
The details in case of such documentation may be taken from an unproven source or be preliminary and thus unverified yet.
Especially, for most recent XIMEA products containing a range of hardware, software, accessories and firmware, it could be possible that the documentation was not updated to the latest version.
Based on this, XIMEA GmbH will decline any liability for potential inaccuracies leading to undesirable results, as there is no evidence of gross negligence.

Information sharing

The information contained on the XIMEA website shall not be used for advertising purposes.
A possible exception is for the use in regard to surveys about the companies, products, and services of XIMEA GmbH.
Specifically, the downloaded XIMEA software shall not be distributed further, decompiled, changed and especially sold. 
The pictures, graphics, photos and videos posted on the XIMEA GmbH website or other social media channels can be copied and used only after consent granted by XIMEA GmbH. 
Press materials shared in the clearly specified Press center area are not affected by this limitation. 
It is allowed to quote text or information from the XIMEA website only if the origin is comprehensively described and the correct HTML link is provided.
XIMEA holds all existing rights to intellectual property and claims all future rights to its own content, which it provides for use, according to the general laws. 
This particularly affects the copyrights, even in cases where the © symbol is not used. The same is true for the existing and future rights to the goods labels for all designations of products and services. Thus, there is no license afforded in regard to these matters.
Cross-references (links) to contents provided by other providers are to be distinguished from those own contents. By providing a link, XIMEA makes content of third parties available for use, which is marked as a "link".
Links are dynamic references. At the time of the first linking, XIMEA has checked the external content to determine whether it could cause civil or criminal liability. However, XIMEA does not constantly check the contents to which it refers in its offer for changes that could lead to a new liability. If XIMEA determines or is informed by others that a specific offer to which it has provided a link triggers civil or criminal liability, it will remove the reference to this offer.