XIMEA PCI Express Camera Zone

PCIe PCI Express zone cameras high speed resolution fast compact embedded multiple

xiB, xiB-64 and xiX - Super fast and high resolution cameras

Troubleshooting tips

  1. Always start by running xiCO - XIMEA Control panel

This free software tool provides valuable information on possible issues with installation and/or configuration.

  1. Use supported accessories and hardware

For stability and full performance capabilities, it is important to have a setup with tested components.

  1. Update to the latest version the following: driver, firmware and other possible software.
  2. If possible, try different setups with other PC, cable, host slot or separate host controller instead of an integrated one.
  3. Execute power cycle of the camera and computer - soft reboot and if the problem persists a hard reboot of the PC.
  4. If this fails, please CONTACT our support team.
XIMEA PCI Express cameras support all major Operating systems like:
Windows 7 and 10, Linux Ubuntu, macOS, ARM