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- Polytec France joins forces with XIMEA in France
Polytec will distribute XIMEA’s line of xiQ ultra-small USB3 Vision cameras and other lines throughout France.
MUNSTER, GERMANY, October 25, 2012 – XIMEA GmbH, developer of the machine vision, industrial and scientific cameras, is welcoming new partner to our expanding global distribution network in the face of French company Polytec France (Paris, France).
“Since 1983 Polytec France is one of the key leaders in Optronic Solutions with Vision equipments, Photonics, Optical Measurement Systems using laser Doppler technology and Polymers.
Polytec is involved in industrial, scientific and technical innovative projects with the major players of the market in Machine Vision (Cameras and Lights). Following these successful collaborations with other companies, Polytec France is pleased to start a new collaboration with XIMEA.” says Laurent Melin the company Managing Director.
Under the terms of the distribution agreement, Polytec France will distribute XIMEA’s line of xiQ ultra-small USB 3 Vision cameras and other machine vision, scientific and security camera lines throughout France.
French customers interested in learning more about XIMEA products and Polytec France can visit Polytec webpage or Contact:
Elvis Dzamastagic
Tél : +33 (0)1 49 65 69 03
Mob : +33 (0)6 70 35 45 65
Fax : +33 (0)1 57 21 40 68
POLYTEC France :
39, rue Louveau (Bât. Orion) - 92321 Chatillon Cdx