Products Embedded vision and multi-camera setup - xiX Adapters, Cables and Accessories

Adapters, Cables and Accessories

  • For interconnections with miscellaneous systems
  • Mini PCIe, M.2, PCIe x4, x8, iPass, USB connections
  • Flat flex ribbon cables or iPass cables
  • Adapter boards, Host adapters, Switches, GPIO
  • Supports different combinations of interfaces and camera models
  • Ideal for Multi camera system setups like 360 panorama
  • Suitable for Embedded vision integration
  • Distances of output cable up to 100m



Examples of connections


Buy PCI Express camera


embedded vision camera adapters with flat ribbon cables

 PCIe / MX adapters datasheet


pcie usb3 flat ribbon cables for embedded vision cameras guide

   Flat ribbon cables datasheet



1 - PCIe Gen2 cameras xiX line - offers x2 and x4 lanes flex ribbon connection suitable for Embedded vision systems
2 - PCIe Gen3 cameras xiX-XL line and xiX-Xtreme offer x4 and x8 lanes connection for high resolution and fast speed applications
3 - PCIe flex line cables x2 lanes and x4 lanes Flat ribbon cables with lengths from 10 to 50 cm
4 - PCIe adapters Adapter boards overview of x2 and x4 lane options
5 - iPass cables PCIe Gen2 and PCIe Gen3 cables - copper type or fiber type of connection
6 - Host adapters PCIe Gen2 and PCIe Gen3 bandwidth host adapters - copper type or fiber type of connection
7 - Firefly cables PCIe Gen3 x4 lanes flex ribbon copper cables
8 - Fiber optic cables MTP and SFF-8644 cables with Gen3 x4 or x8 lanes bandwidth
9 - GPU carrier boards

NVIDIA Jetson module carriers for TX2, NX (Orin or Xavier) and overall support for AGX Xavier and Nano Dev Kits

10 - xSwitch platform Switch boards for aggregation of multiple cameras (various models) into a customizable setup


PCI Express Gen2 x2 lanes accessories
PCI Express Gen2 x2 lanes accessories


  • PCIe Generation 2
  • For camera models with x2 lanes
  • 10 Gbit/s bandwidth
  • Cables, adapters, brackets, heatsinks
PCI Express Gen2 x4 lanes accessories
PCI Express Gen2 x4 lanes accessories


  • PCIe Generation 2
  • For camera models with x4 lanes
  • 20 Gbit/s bandwidth
  • Cables, adapters, brackets, heatsinks
PCI Express Gen3 x4 lanes accessories
PCI Express Gen3 x4 lanes accessories


  • PCIe Generation 3
  • For camera models with x4 lanes
  • 32 Gbit/s bandwidth
  • Cables, adapters, brackets, heatsinks
Last Updated: 16 July 2024, 00:06

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Embedded Vision system camera USB3 fast small multiple


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