Visiting XIMEA GmbH
Address: Am Mittelhafen 16, 48155 Münster, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 251 202 408 0
Office external webcam: H7 building Münster
Office internal look: XIMEA office
Directions to office: PDF English, PDF Deutsch
You will find our new offices on the 6th and 7th floor in the "H7" building, Am Mittelhafen 16, 48155 Münster.
The entrance is on the left side of the building coming from the street.
Please select “XIMEA” at the digital doorbell board to let us know you have arrived.
Parking facilities are available directly at our parking lots next to the office.
Ideally, inform us upon your arrival that we might reserve a visitor parking space for you.
Directions by train
Leave the train at “Münster Hauptbahnhof" (main station). Walking distance to our offices is around 12 minutes.
To reach our offices by foot:
Leave the main station through the rear exit in the direction of „Bremer Platz“ and turn right into „Bremer Straße“.
Cross the „Hansaring” and follow straight on „Albersloher Weg“.
Follow the road until „Hafenplatz“ which is located on the left.
Turn left into Hafenweg.
Turn right at the next street into „Am Mittelhafen“, you will find us after about 250 m to the left.
Coming from Münster/Osnabrück International Airport (FMO)
There’s a regular shuttle bus service between “Münster/Osnabrück International Airport (FMO)” and “Münster Hauptbahnhof” (main station).
B bus lines are S50 (express), D50 and R51.
Find the bus schedule here: RVM Fahrplanauskunft
Get off at “Münster Hauptbahnhof” (main station) and pass through the tunnel which is right to the station.
Go into the direction of „Bremer Platz“ and follow the directions „by foot“, described above.
If you drive by car from the airport please follow the directions of „via A1 coming from the North“, described below in this document.
Distance: approx. 40 km / 25 miles; Driving time: approx. 30 minutes.
Arrival by Taxi: Distance: approx. 40 km / 25 miles; Driving time: approx. 30 minutes – Fare: approx. € 80,00 one way (as per 2022).
By car via A1/A43 coming from the South
Leave A1 at motorway exit “Münster Süd” and change onto A43/B51 in the direction of Münster.
Turn right at the motorway exit “Münster Süd/Ost/Halle Münsterland” and drive onto the B51 (Umgehungsstraße).
Leave the B51 at the exit „Albersloh/Hafen/Halle Münsterland“ and turn left in the direction of „Zentrum/Halle Münsterland/Hafen“.
Follow “Albersloher Weg” until “Hafenplatz”, which is on the right hand side.
Turn right into “Hafenweg”.
Turn right again at next street.
You will find us after about 250 m on the left.
By car via A1 coming from the North
Leave A1 at motorway exit “Münster Süd and change onto A43/B51 in the direction of Münster.
Turn right at the motorway exit “Münster Süd/Ost/Halle Münsterland” and drive onto the B51 (Umgehungsstraße).
Leave the B51 at the exit „Albersloh/Hafen/Halle Münsterland“ and turn left in the direction of „Zentrum/Halle Münsterland/Hafen“.
Follow “Albersloher Weg” until “Hafenplatz” which is on the right hand side.
Turn right into “Hafenweg”.
Turn right again at next street.
You will find us after about 250 m on the left.
If you have any questions or need further assistance please do not hestitate to contact us.