

Our dedication and passion also shows in our care for our community and the environment.

Environmental commitment

As a responsible organization, XIMEA is engaging more and more in enhancing the processes in all areas where we can increase sustainability. Although we are not legally required to do so we feel a moral obligation as individuals and as a collective. We understand that, at this point, there is much more that needs to be done, and we have worked out an active measures plan to implement our efforts in the dimensions of reduced resources, increased efficiency, and compensation schemes.


Social commitment

Socially we support local communities with current and in-need projects. This is done within the local organization's team allowing everyone to participate in selecting and choosing the right project given the financial engagement budget for that year.
Recent projects have been in the respective companies and countries: 
Supporting Alzheimer's research, helping terminally ill children, helping children in underprivileged communities, helping children in need, and more.