XIMEA CamTool OpenH264 Library¶

XIMEA CamTool allows to save captured video into H.264 format.
In order to use this function - customer must download codec library from source and add it into CamTool directory.
Depending on operating system follow next steps:
- Based on operating system type - download 32bit or 64bit version of library
- Unzip it
- Rename it to OpenH264.dll
- Copy it into C:/XIMEA/XIMEACamTool64
- If not checked, check the xvpCodecOpenH264.dll plugin in Plugin Manager (main menu -> Plugins -> Plugin Manager, and there check the xvpCodecOpenH264.dll in the bottom table)
- reboot the computer (required by some computer setups)
- Download library
- Unzip it into