DirectShow interface to XIMEA cameras is no longer supported.
It was removed from XIMEA Windows Software Package starting 2017-03.
The Microsoft DirectShow application programming interface (API) is a media-streaming architecture for Microsoft Windows.
Using DirectShow, applications can perform high-quality video and audio playback or capture.
All XIMEA cameras were supported by the XIMEA DirectShow filter or for 64bit applications.
To add DirectShow support for XIMEA cameras please follow these steps:
After the cameras are connected or disconnected please run the
xiDirectShow_ReEnum.exe from the XIMEA\API\x86 folder (or XIMEA\API\x64 if 64 bit version is required.
Note: choose the platform according to the application software rather than the OS itself).
All connected XIMEA cameras will be enumerated for use with DirectShow applications.
If the currently logged user account does not have administrator privileges - please right click on it and select Run as Administrator.
To remove XIMEA cameras from DirectShow run the xiDirectShow_Remove.exe from the XIMEA\API\x86 folder (or XIMEA\API\x64 if 64 bit version is required)..
The IAMVideoControl interface enables the user to set the camera to hardware or software trigger mode.
The ICameraControl interface provides the user control over the camera exposure.
It can be set manually or you can use the automatic exposure adjustment of XIMEA APIs.
The IVideoProcAmp interface allows to adjust of image sharpness, gamma, gain and white balance.
Gain and white balance parameters can be adjusted to work in automatic mode adjusted by algorithms from XIMEA APIs.